

Niche Alcohol: Absinthe

After the Success of sideways I have come to an unavoidable conclusion, America loves its niche alcohol. What's better then getting drunk? Getting drunk on some mystery liquor that makes you feel important and exotic, well more so then Alcohol already makes you feel. In short I will spend the rest of this article enlightening you on an Alcohol called Absinthe.
Absinthe was originally sold as a stomach worm tincture back in the days when you could just bottle some odd tasting liquor or opiate and call it a tonic. Used by the French Army during their war in Algiers in the 1840's to help fight off heat stroke and stomach ailments. The soldiers, being poor uneducated Frenchmen brought back their love for this strange green drink and began indulging in it to the point of Caligula-like excess. By the end of the century it was the most widely produced and drunken spirits in the world.
The most famous of brands was Pernod, which unlike many other producers of far cheaper absinthes, didn't use dangerous additives like Silver Nitrate to create the drinks superior appearance and Louche. The Louche is a French word describing the affects of mixing water with Absinthe (which was part of its preparation), A proper louche would turn the drink a lighter color of green or even white and makes the water cloudy instead of transparent. The primary tastes of a Absinthe are Anise, Wormwood, Mint, and Hyssops though there is a great variety of tastes from brand to brand depending on their formula. Also the Thujone, a mild hallucinogen found in Wormwood, was said to add a feelings of clearheadedness and creativity on top of the effects of the alcohol.
Absinthe was banned through out the world, with the exception of Spain, UK, Portugal, and few eastern European nations, in the early part of the 20th century as part of the Prohibition movement. The EU permitted sales in the 1990's and Absinthe has seen a large increase in popularity after movies such as Moulin Rouge and From Hell helped popularize it.
If you would like to learn more about this Alcohol go to:

Dave Chappelle: Will he rock our world?

I hypothesize yes. He has come to mean a lot to so many of us, also he is one of the few people I like to hear from who has not died within the last year, it has been a very lethal year so far. Now while his May 31st date to start his 3rd season has passed, and he ran off to Africa unannounced, things remain unchanged. What most of Americans don't realize is this is what cool people do, giving notice of intent to go somewhere is for pussies. The man makes comedy, do you make people laugh and then spend money for DVDs of what they saw to laugh once again, do you? Surprisingly, only a few people had to get smashed in the balls for it to be made, and almost none of those where on screen, he's that good.
Three reasons he's better then Chris Rock:
-Dave Chappelle is not a Rapist.
-Chris Rock's voice has a real world effect on national demographic studies on suicide, while Mr.Chappelle's voice is a beautiful smoke cured D.C. scratch.
- Mr. Chappelle never starred in Head of State.

I am also required to mention somewhere here that he is Rick James Bitch!