

More America! Less logic, please!

Nationalism: Is it enough?

No, I mean seriously people this is America. Most nations can get away with a misplaced sense of social purpose and cohesion, but we as Americans need 2 to 3 times more then any other peoples just to live! I kid you not. My plan involves the creation of a national G-d,lets just call it "The Lone Gunman" and we will sacrifice the elderly to its effigy as a form of communal bonding and caring. Of course this will will barely slake his thirst for human blood as he is a Dark and hungry G-d, a consumer of souls and bringer of doom. So my ideas is to build pyramids where captives can be brought and their blood poured into stone Idol of the Lone Gunman's mouth to slake his divine thirsts. Yeah this is going to work just fine...

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